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Contract testing between frontend and API

Contract testing between frontend and API

3 mins read

When I joined Healios we started exploring how we might decompose a large Ruby on Rails monolith. We wanted to move the view layer entirely into a modern frontend tech stack using multiple Next.js applications. We also wanted to migrate the backend into a service orientated architecture, built partially with Rails API but also introducing Python as an additional language. These various services would run on AWS ECS / Fargate and be accessible via an API gateway.

One of the main concerns we wanted to address is how we can be confident that changes we make to our API won’t accidentally break our frontend(s).

One option here is to spin everything up in CI and run end to end tests on your entire API and frontend apps. This gets increasingly more complex and time consuming to manage as the backend is decomposed into services. It also becomes increasing difficult to debug where issues are coming from, and bugs in backend services can block the frontend CI pipeline.

Another option would be to implement a bells and whistles contract testing solution, Pact is the obvious choice here. However Pact involves writing a specific suite of contract tests (with a maintenance overhead). While we’re splitting up our backend, we’re not taking a microservices approach and the count of services would probably stay in the single digits for at least the next couple of years.

Ultimately Pact felt over-engineered so we settled with a simplistic approach, designed to allow each repo be tested in (almost) isolation while still giving a significant level of confidence.

Using OpenAPI

Our approach uses our API documentation as a source of truth. The docs are written in OpenAPI specification, which gives access to a large suite of OSS tools. One of these tools Prism allows us to create a mock API from our API docs. This is used to run all frontend tests against and can also be used for development too. You can point the mock server either to a locally running instance of the API docs, or to the hosted version on a staging or production environment.

Contract testing between repos diagram

Changes to the API documentation are protected with GitHub CODEOWNERS and need explicit approval from the API Consumers team.

Design first approach

One of the big advantages of this workflow is it encourages and simplifies an API Design First workflow. This allows frontend and backend engineers to collaborate on designing how an API should work, creating the documentation first as a contract. They can then make progress on the separate implementations without blocking dependencies. It also gives high likelihood that integrating backend and frontend will be a seamless experience.

API Design first workflow diagram

Further safety in production

We also setup Zod in production to validate all our API responses are the shape and type that is expected. Any non-conformities are then reported in realtime to Sentry. Zod also has fantastic TypeScript inference from the it’s schemas, giving confidence that all our data is typed correctly.

Validating API responses in production with Zod

So far, so good

We’ve been using this approach for the past 9 months and so far it’s been very smooth with a really low maintenance cost. There’s only been a single issue that made it as far as a Zod error and Sentry exception, this was a field that was a string but could be null under specific and rare circumstances… the observability here was really helpful and allowed for a quick and simple debug and fix.

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